In honor of it being Thursday with only an hour before a new episode of "The Office," here's a funny link to Angela and Andy's wedding site. More gets added as the new episodes unfold, and I'm waiting for the moment it all comes crashing down when Angela inevitably (hooray!) goes back to Dwight. It's all written by Andy, of course. A taste...
The Misses and me have a good idea of when, we just need to have a little confab and hammer out the specifics. We're definitely thinking spring: the season of rebirth, love is in the air, it's the best time for flowers, and my groomsmen will look incredible in pastels. There is however, some concern that the flowers and love in the air may upset my little Ange-dillo's allergies. So we're actually thinking summer: sun, shine, outdoors, dancing, drinks, seafood anyone? Seconds please. Although, the temperature is a bit of concern for m'lady as she is prone to heat rash. Fall may actually be the way we go: the leaves changing colors, we both like apple cider (not too hot), but Angela doesn't seem too keen on getting married during a month that ends in "R." So perhaps winter is the way to go: ring in the New Year on Valentine's Day with a little winter wonderland for my ice princess. We'd just have to be careful, my little snow cat's petite body is easily chilled. So I guess things are still a little up in the air, but rest assured, whenever we do have the wedding, it's going to be the most kick-ass, over-the-top, awesome, rockingest, classy affair anyone has ever seen.
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