One reason I'm glad for Twitter, however, is Christopher Walken's page. Thanks to Joe for alerting me to it. You don't have to have an account to read his updates---just click the link. He. Is. Hysterical. Some of my favorites tweets (yes, I said that word):
You know that Andy Dick and how he seemed funny until we noticed that he wasn't? You'll tell me when it's time to stop, right?
"Secretary of Ironic Scarves." I don't know if Obama read my letter but I hope so. Ashton Kutcher deserves this. So does California.
There's a kid on a Pogo stick in front of my house. It's nearly midnight so let's assume he's been drinking. This should end well for him.
Someone commended me for being "approachable." Okay. The truth is that I'm easily distracted and don't notice people touching me right away.
If you use Twitter or have thoughts on it, I'd love to hear them.
omg you are so right. i just started following via your suggestion and it made me laugh out loud. and did i mention i'm in class? awkward...lol.