WOOOOOO SNOW!!!! Having lived in Georgia for nearly 22 of my nearly 26 years, I was understandably skeptical yesterday morning when I saw the snow predictions. I figured everyone would get their hopes up and all we'd see would be a few flurries with nothing to stick. That's what happens 98% of the time. I took my cocky self to the gym for an hour, walked in when there was nothing on the ground, and came out to see nearly a half inch! I happily ate my words, bundled up, and headed outside with the dogs and the boyfriend, who being from Louisiana has only seen snow a couple times ever. We engaged in a whole series of fun snowtivities for people who rarely experience snow:
1) Throw snowballs to the dogs as if they are tennis balls. Watch the confusion when they get a mouth full of cold and then can't find the ball. Watching Laveau with the frozen tennis ball was also funny...she would only hold it for a few seconds and then drop it and try to shake the cold out of her mouth.
2) In the absence of legitimate gloves, help Mark make "Louisiana gloves" by putting socks over his hands then taping paper grocery bags over them. They worked surprisingly well, allowing him to make a pretty darn good snowman.
3) Sit still and listen to the trees crackle and watch branches snap. It's a creepy but cool sound. We saw a lot of pretty big branches buckle and snap. There are apparently trees down all over Athens, but none right around us. We're going to take a walk later and survey the neighborhood.
4) Take lots of pictures. My camera cord is at work so I can't upload them yet (picture above is from the Athens Banner Herald), but I'll add some to the blog and Facebook as soon as I retrieve it.
And finally, I have to say the best kind of snow day is when you still have power, tv, and the internets :) We only lost power for a few minutes at a time yesterday, and while the internet and tv went out in the afternoon, we got them both back just now.
UPDATE: 2:39 pm, we just now got power back after it went out at 10:00. That'll teach me to brag. Dear power, I love you, please stay.