I have been resisting the urge to begin reading the Twilight series because a) I had heard they are gratingly anti-feminist with all the damsel-in-distress-needing-male-protection themes and b) I suspected I would adore them nonetheless and not want to do anything but devour (ha) all four books in a row. Hypotheses "a" proved fairly correct, but hypothesis "b" ultimately is triumphing. I read the first one in two days then decided to read something else in between to kind of tease (torture) myself, and now I'm halfway through New Moon. Yes, the books are teenager-y in their melodrama, pretty anti-feminist, blah blah...they are also entirely absorbing and entertaining. Stephenie Meyer can write a damn good cliffhanger chapter ending; she also captures the intense moods of a teenage girl with pretty perfect accuracy. I heard an acquaintance gush that this series is better than Harry Potter, but I won't go nearly that far. The Twilight books are equally addictive and suspenseful, but they don't have nearly the same heart or epic scope. Then again, I'm only halfway into book two...
I finished the series over thanksgiving break... I was surprised I liked the series so much since it was written about high schoolers- however it was pretty decent... I agree with you that it is not better than Harry Potter. I think people just don't feel as guilty about liking the twilight series since it wasn't written for 12 year olds....