Monday, November 10, 2008

Decemberists' Return

I'm not a huge music person (meaning I listen in the car and sometimes at home, but I'm not obsessive about it and don't go to shows very often). I do, however, LOVE the Decemberists and am thrilled they have new music out. They are releasing seven new songs in three installments (two of the three are out already, the last to come in December), and they are also working on a new full length album to come out sometime next year. You can listen to some of their new stuff (and great old stuff, especially from "The Crane Wife" cd) in this NPR concert recording.

In other music news, my all-time beloved favorite artist in the universe, Lucinda Williams, also has a new album out...more on that later.


  1. God do you love this band!!! Are you going to dance to the crane wife at your wedding... i say yes!

  2. probably "sons and daughters" will be THE song ;)
